We believe that education can overcome poverty

'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'
- Nelson Mandela

2CC radio interview
Simon Carroll - 2CC Sunday Roast

ABC News features Global School Partners

Go to the online story and watch the TV News:

The GSP Transformation

Watch the video above to see the transformation of Canberra Sunshine Academy. The impact that our generous donors have had on this school is astounding. From mud and sticks that would wash away in heavy rain to permanent classrooms, from limited or no sporting equipment and classroom resources to plentiful sporting equipment and a full library. Thank you to Canberra Girls Grammar School Junior and all our sponsors for making this possible. The children of CSA are now able to get a good education setting these children up for life.

Why we do what we do

We believe that by providing a hand-up, through supporting education and health, positive change can become a reality for those in poverty in the developing world.

Our vision and mission become action using the RICH matrix:

R = Resources to improve the educational environment, like desks, blackboards, stationary, classrooms
(R also stands for Relationships, which we believe are crucially important)

I = Information to maximise the learning experience, with text books and teacher training
(I also stands for Inspiration, because we inspire each other to greater heights)

C = Connection to foster global citizenship, through pen pals and scholarships
(C also stands for Collaboration, which is vital for successful programs and projects)

H = Health to retain a healthy body, through supporting basic hygiene with water and sanitation
(H also stands for Help, as we help each other to better understand our cultural nuances. And of course H stands for Happiness, as we try to spread love)

Global School Partners is a not-for-profit, volunteer, Public Benevolent Institution, with Deductible Gift Recipient status, that facilitated partnerships between schools in Australia and schools in developing nations to enable students from across the globe to connect, share and learn with one another.

Our business  partners