These students are waiting for scholarships
Supporting a child through a scholarship changes their life and the life of their family and rewards you with a lasting relationship. We encourage scholarship support for girls and children with disabilities in line with our Vision Mission and Values Statement on gender and disability equality and equity.
NOTE: Due to the rapidly rising cost of living in Kenya we have had to increase our Scholarship Fees for the first time in over 5 years.
Scholarship is currently $390 per year and this enables the supported student to receive:
A place in school for that year - education
A full, new school uniform
Stationery and exercise books
Scholarship Plus is $660 per year. Scholarship Plus provides your child with lunch every day at their school for the additional $270 per year.
Payment can be made as a lump sum or in monthly installments (a single receipt is issued at the end of the financial year). Payment information here.
To find out more read About Scholarships or email Simon at
Please note: These are NOT the children’s real names and the schools are not identified. This is protect the children in accordance with our Child Safeguarding Policy and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment Policy
For more information contact us on 1300 598 884 or
To support a child click here.
Savannah was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. Her parents struggle to support Savannah and her brother day-to-day. School fees are unattainable by her parents.
Amelia was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 2. She is in the care of her mother, who is currently unemployed and struggling to find work. Amelia is bright, and her teachers see potential in her.
Abbie was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. Her father is the sole bread winner for the family of 5. He can only find casual work, which is not enough to sustain Abbie and her 2 sisters through school.
Penny was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 2. She and her brother are in the care of their mother. The mother struggles to find work, and is the only breadwinner in the family.
Benjamin was born in 2017 and is in prep 2. Benjamin comes from a single parent family, after the passing of his father. The mother has had to look for casual work where possible to provide for Benjamin and his sister, Sally.
Callum was born in 2019 and is in Playgroup. Callum is a total orphan, with his mother passing just after she gave birth, and his father not on the scene. He is looked after by his grandmother, who due to ill health, relies on well wishers to support them both.
Christopher was born in 2012 and is in grade 4. He comes from a single parent family, after his father died of HIV AIDS when Christopher was 2 years old. Christoper is HIV positive but is undergoing pharmaceutical treatment to manage his condition. Christopher has three siblings who are in secondary schools. They are under the care of an ailing mother who is also HIV positive. Christopher is in and out of school due to school fees as the mother cannot afford school, healthcare and to feed the family.
David was born in 2016 and is in grade 2. He comes from a single parent family. His mother abandoned David and his two siblings leaving them under the custody of their grand mother. The grandmother has tried in vain to reach out to the children’s father, with no success. The grandmother is diabetic, which requires medication she struggles to afford between feeding the children, making school fees unattainable.
Melissa comes from a single parent family of five. Her father passed on when Melissa was just months old after a long battle with cancer. Due to the high fees of medical treatment, the family has no resources, leaving the mother to move from one home to another looking for petty jobs like washing clothes in order to bring food on the table. Melissa’s siblings are in various learning institutions i.e colleges, secondary school and primary. Due to this, the mother can’t manage to pay school fees and other basic needs.
Sally was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. Sally comes from a single parent family, after the passing of her father. The mother has had to look for casual work where possible to provide for Sally and her brother, Benjamin.
Valerie was born in 2018 and is in prep 2. She hails from a single parent family. Her mother gave birth to Valerie when she was in school. Immediately after birth, her mother dropped out of school and resorted to odd jobs to make ends meet since the extended family also depended on her for survival. She earns very little and cannot manage basic needs and school fees for Valerie. Most of time they skip some meals and rely on well wishers for food.
Sadie was born in 2015 and is in Grade 5. Sadie absolutely loves school, as home life has multiple challenges. She suffers from night convulsions and is on a breathing tube at night to allow her to sleep. There is also domestic violence from the family of her late father. She knows school keeps her and her two sisters safe and cared for. The mother earns just enough to feed the children.
Bede was born in 2020 and is in pre-primary 1. Her teachers describe Bede as a vibrant child who loves coloring, singing and dancing. Her mother was run out of the family home for giving birth to a girl, and following an altercation with Bede’s father, the mother was left partially handicapped. They live under an iron sheet roof with her two older brothers who are teenagers. The mother seeks what menial jobs she can which can be challenge given the injury to her leg. Despite the huge challenges the family has faced, Bede exceeds academically in class.
Shayna was born in 2017 and is in Pre-primary 1. She has 2 sisters; Polly and Val. They live with their mother, who struggles with unstable mental health, and struggles to afford medication to manage, which also prevents her from finding a steady income. The children are often stressed, and struggle to find clothes, food and education.
Val was born in 2015 and is in Grade 1. She has 2 sisters; Polly and Shayna. They live with their mother, who struggles with unstable mental health, and struggles to afford medication to manage, which also prevents her from finding a steady income. The children are often stressed, and struggle to find clothes, food and education.
Paige was born in 2017 and is in Grade 2. She performs well in class and would like to be an engineer to help her family and community. She has an older brother, who comes from a single-mother family, after losing her father in an accident some years ago. The mother makes ends meet doing peasant farming jobs.
Paget was born in 2017 and is in Grade One. Her family, (mother, father and younger brother) were displaced following post-election violence. They are starting from scratch and getting by on very little income. A scholarship would help Paget and her family as they try to get back on their feet.
Remy was born in 2018 and is in Grade one. She lives with her father and two siblings. Her father works farming, but earns very little from the work. Remy would love to be a Doctor or go into Medicine.
Dolly was born in 2019 and is in preschool. Her parents work odd jobs to make ends meet for the family of four. Dolly wants to have a good job in the future to help her family and community
Melody was born in 2019 and is in preschool. She comes from a family of 6, with 3 older siblings in their teens. The parents struggle to make ends meet. Melody wants to become a police officer.
Eliza was born in 2018 and is in preschool. She is an orphan, and lives with her grandmother who earns a small wage doing odd jobs like gardening and washing people’s clothes. Eliza wants to be a Journalist; giving a voice to the voiceless.
Rosalita was born in 2019 and is in playgroup. There are 9 people in her household, and the family were recently displaced due to election violence. They are beginning from scratch finding odd jobs to help buy food. Rosalita wants to become a nurse one day.
Jana was born in 2015 and is in grade three. Ther parents work menial jobs to make ends meet for their 4 children. Jana performs well in class and would like to get a good job one day.
Piper was born in 2018 and is in Preschool. She is raise by her grandmother, who cannot find work. There is a daily struggle t make ends meet. Piper wants to become a Pharmacist.
Hilda was born in 2016 (exact date unknown). Her father Julius has become disabled following an incident and can no longer work. Her mother Sophia is unskilled and works as a casual labourer or any other work she can get. This means that the family is very needy and often lacks basic necessities.
Stephen was born on 15 May 2018 and his father Albert has since died. Recently his mother, Jackline, became paralysed in both legs and can no longer walk or work. Tis has devastated the family and they are in urgent need of assistance just to keep food on the table.
Violet was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. She performs very well academically. She lives with her mother, her father has passed away. Her mother does what she can to make ends meet for her and Violet.
Jeremiah was born in 2016, exact date to be confirmed. Both hs mother, Sylvia, and his father, Peter, are deceased leaving Jeremiah as a total orphan. He is cared for by a relative Hellen but their financial situation is precarious.
Sloane is in Grade 4, and is eldest of 4 siblings. She is at joint top of her class, and is an extremely bright child. The family is in the care of their father, after her mothers passing. Feeding the children is a daily struggle. There is a fear of Sloane not being able to continue her education, particularly given her academic record.
Misty was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. She is intelligent, skipping pre-primary class 2 to go straight into grade school. Unfortunately, the mother struggles to find steady work. She gets occasional work at a local construction site to support Misty and her sister. A scholarship would secure Misty’s future education.
Jane was born in 2019 and is in pre-primary 2. She is a bright girl, and lives with her mother and two older siblings. Her father was the sole bread-winner, but after his unexpected passing, the mother has turned to completing menial jobs to make ends meet.
Brooklyn was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. The girl’s mother died of an illness, which mas driven Brooklyn to want to be a doctor/nurse so that she can treat and/or care for the sick. She lives with her father and two siblings. The father tries to make ends meet.
Ella was born in 2018 and is in Pre-school class 2. She loves Athletics and reading. Her father was killed in tribal clashes, making her mother the sole bread-winner; working on farms to feed the family. Due to her mother being unwell, and having 2 other siblings, sponsorship would allow Ella to receive an education.
Fiona was born in 2020 and is in playgroup class. She has 2 older siblings and is under the care of her grandmother who is in her 70s. Her parents abandoned their children due to addiction issues. The grandmother is struggling to feed all 3 children and would love one of the children to receive support.
Miriam is two and a half years old and is in daycare. She has 2 older brothers. She likes watching pictures and playing with other children. Unfortunately, Miriam’s parents are sick, and are unable to work to support the family. They frequently struggle to support the family, and at times go without food.
Rebecca was born in 2018 and is in prep 2. She loves playing football. She has 2 siblings who do not attend school due to low family income. The family live in a rented room, and struggle to make ends meet.
Annie was born in 2018 and is in grade 1. She loves athletics and football. She has six siblings who have dropped out of school due to school fees. Her father is unwell, making her mother the sole breadwinner for the family, who recently lost her job at a local coffee factory.
Renita is 7 years old and is in Grade one. She has 3 siblings and lives with her grandmother, after losing her parents and becoming an orphan 5 years ago. Her grandmother has stage 4 cancer. Despite these setbacks, Renita has proven very talented in athletics. A scholarship would afford Renita an education, as well as a chance to showcase and improve her athletic abilities.
Daniella was born in 2016 and is in Grade 2. She lives with her mother and brother. She competes in school competitions and loves storytelling. Her mother washes clothes to earn money for the family. when she is unwell, the family can miss out on food. A Scholarship would give Daniella and her family much needed stability.
Haley is in preschool class and has 6 siblings. Her mother works on people’s farms to try and make ends meet for the family. The family struggles with a number of issues, making food scarcity, school fees and lack of uniforms constant issues. Haley and her whole family would benefit from Haley getting some stability.
Harriet was born in 2018 and is in grade one. She is a clever and hardworking girl, and has two female siblings. The children are total orphans, and were in the care of their grandfather, who recently had a stroke and the children now rely on well-wishers to get by. The girls are vulnerable to exploitation due to their lack of protection and gender. A scholarship would help Harriet secure safety through the school.
Steven was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. Steven and his sister are cared for by their grandmother, who tried to make money working off of her farm. The parents abandoned Steven and his sister after getting in trouble with the law and fleeing. A scholarship would give Steven and the family security in receiving support and an education.
Shelley was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 2. She has 2 siblings, and is in the care of her grandmother, who tries to make ends meet from a tiny piece of land near their property. Her father struggles with a mental health disorder, and although he is medicated, he is unable to work. Their mother abandoned the family, and they have been unable to find her for 2 years. The stability of a scholarship for Shelley would assist the entire family.
Jeremy was born in 2019 and is in pre-primary 1. He is under the care of his aging grandfather, who struggles to earn money working the land near their property, following a road accident a number of years ago. His mother abandoned Jeremy due to family conflict. A scholarship would help meet Jeremy’s basic needs.
Isaac was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. Isaac’s parents died in a road accident, therefore he is in the care of his grandfather, who works off his land to feed Isaac and his sister.
Ruby was born in 2016 and is in Grade 1. She has two siblings, and her mother works part time to support her children despite physical limitations due to HIV. Since that untimely death of their father, the family lives hand-to-mouth.
Chelsea was born in 2012 and is in grade 2. Her parents are both unwell, meaning the family struggles to support themselves.
Eric was born in 2013 and is in grade 4. He is cared for by his father, who is a farmer, but earns very little so looks for work in people’s homes. His mother died last year after a serious fall, occasioning her death. an educational scholarship would give Eric a chance to get a good education.
Morgana was born in 2018 and is in grade 1. She performs well at school and has two older siblings. Morgana is recovering from a severe kitchen burn after an accident whilst trying to get a serve of food. Although she is well now, the family struggles to afford school fees and care for the family. The parents look for casual work to support the family.
Connie was born in 2013 and is in Grade 4. She has a difficult family situation, as the father ended his own life due to being unable to support the family and societal pressures after having no sons. The mother does menial jobs to care for the family. She is sisters with Livvy.
Livvy was born in 2017 and is in Grade 1. She has a difficult family situation, as the father ended his own life due to being unable to support the family and societal pressures after having no sons. The mother does menial jobs to care for the family. She is sisters with Connie.
Lily was born in 2017 and is in prep 2. Her parents are trying to send her and her two siblings to school, however, struggle to find financial stability
May was born in 2017 and is in prep 2. May has 3 siblings, however her parents struggle to fund steady work to support the family.
Clara was born in 2014 and is in Grade 3. She comes from a single mother home.
Evie was born in 2017 and is in Grade 1. She is cared for by her grandparents, who are aging. Although the grandparents try to find the fees to send Evie to school, they struggle to find work due to their age and abilities.
Yvonne was born in 2017 and is in grade 1. Yvonne is a total orphan and is cared for by a guardian. She has no family support to assist her with school fees. A scholarship would help her to thrive in her future.
Anna was born in 2018 and is in prep 2. She has 4 siblings, and her parents find odd jobs to support the family, however they struggle to find stable employment to support themselves and the family.
Asher is in grade one. She has 3 siblings and her parents struggle to support the family.
Clive was born in 2013 and in in grade 4. He has 4 siblings, and his parents work odd jobs to support the family, but are struggling to find secure work. His parents are struggling t support their children to receive an education.
Douglas was born in 2019 and is in prep 2. He has 3 older siblings, and their family works on a small farm. The parents are trying to provide education to their children to provide a brighter future for the family.
Hannah is in Prep 2. She is cared for by her father, after her mother left home and nobody has been able to contact her. The father is finding it a challenge to cover Hannah’s school fees and to feed her.
Jack was born in 2019 and is in playgroup. His parents both try and find work wherever possible but do not have a steady income. They both wish for Jack to have the chance to learn at school.
Liam was born in 2019 and is in prep 1. His mother gave birth to him while she was in secondary school form 2. He lives with his grandparents, who are trying to help both Liam and his mother receive an education, and support them with food and other essentials. Support for Liam will help both him and his mother to have a brighter future.
Bree was born in 2019 and is in playgroup. She is a bright young girl, and her sister and her are in the care of their father and Grandmother. Their father was involved in a road accident and has significant injuries, diminishing his earning potential. They recently lost their home due to government expansion of a road, leaving them to rent elsewhere.
Belle was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. Her parents were working on a tea estate, until a machine bought by the company made their jobs redundant. Since then, they have been doing casual work until another opportunity arises. Belle is a bright girl, ans exceeds expectations in her work.
Lottie was born in 2016 and is in grade 2. She exceeds expectations in her classwork. She is a child of a single mother, whom after losing her job, suffered with severe mental illness, She and her sister are in the care of her uncle. The family lives hand-to-mouth, as the uncle tries to provide for his family, Lottie’s mother, Lottie, her sister and their grandmother.
Phoebe was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. She is a bright girl, and wants to become a doctor one day. Last year, Phoebe’s parents were in an accident, resulting in the passing of her father ans severe injuries to her mother. Phoebe has 4 siblings, two of whom have dropped out of school due to being unable to afford school fees.
Nadine was born in 2017 and is in grade one. She is exceeding expectations at school and is really interested in music and drama. Nadine comes from a single mother family, who lost her job due to COVID. She was struck by lightning, and although she survived, has been left with a disability. The family is dependent on their grandmother to get by.
Shona was born in 2017 and is in grade one. Her father was injured in a road accident and, after a 2 year hospital stay, is now physically handicapped and cannot work. Her mother had a job at a local supermarket until the company went bankrupt and she lost her job. Her mother and grandmother struggle to raise the funds to support her to receive education.
Boris was born in 2016 abd us in Grade 1. His father died a long time ago due to disease, and he lost his mother after a violent assult, leaving Boris and his 2 twin brothers orphans. A neighbour has taken in the children to care for them. Despite the children’s reliance on well-wishers and struggle to find food, Boris exceeds expectations academically. A sponsorship would assist Boris to excel at school.
Emily was born in 2020 and is in Playgroup. She has two siblings and is in the care of her father, after losing their mother some years ago. The family struggles due to the father being unwell and unable to find steady work, however Emily often presents to school bright, happy and eager to learn. The whole family would benefit from support.
Jenny was born in 2017 and is in Grade 1. The family fell victim to post-election violence where all their belongings were destroyed, and parents sustained injuries requiring ongoing medical assistance.
Vonnie was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. She lives with her Mother and two siblings, following the death of their father. Due to their mother being unwell, the family are reliant on well-wishers to get by.
Yvette was born in 2015 and is in grade 2. Her mother is currently being treated for breast cancer. Yvette’s little sister, who is under a year old, cannot breastfeed due to this. Therefore, family funds are strained between treating the mother, feeding the baby and looking after the family. The father earns what he can as a motorcycle rider.
Allison was born in 2018 and is in playgroup. Her mother gave birth on the street, and sought shelter with a guardian. Since then, her mother left, abandoning Allison and leaving her in the care of a guardian. Her household relies on well-wishers for food and other essentials.
Emma was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. She has 3 sisters, and unfortunately lost her mother by means of suicide. Her father works to earn money for the family, while the children are cared for by their aunt.
Shiloh was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. Her father passed away following a motorcycle accident. Her mother was forced to try to find work in Saudi Arabia to support the family, however sadly died whilst abroad. Shiloh and her two siblings live with their grandfather, who supports the family with a very small income generated from farming.
Sammy was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. She lost her father after a family conflict turned fatal. Following this, her mother was forced to leave the family home to seek shelter in a market center. The mother hustles for money at the market to support Sammy and her two siblings.
Bailey was born in 2006 and is in grade 8. He hails from a single parent family, with 3 siblings. He is a bright student, and a scholarship would assist him in completing his education.
Bruce was born in 2009 and is in grade 8. His family lives in poverty, surviving off one dollar per day. He and his 2 siblings are keen to learn and to change their family’s circumstances.
Danny was born in 2008 and is in grade 8. His parents suffer from alcoholism, making home life for him and his 4 siblings unsafe. He is in the care of a guardian who struggles to find stable income. Danny is the student president and performs above average academically.
Lydia was born in 2019 and is in grade 8. She performs above average academically, and is in the top three of her class. She lives with her mother and 3 siblings, after her father passed away. A scholarship would help Lydia to reach her potential.
Mandy was born in 2009 and is in grade 8. Her mother is unemployed, and cannot find stable work to support her family of 3 girls. The children have not been able to afford an education for the children.
Mollie was born in 2009 and is in grade 8. Her parents find work where they can, the family lives off of less than a dollar a day. She is bright and displays good disciple in her studies. The hope is that Mollie will be able to help support the family through education.
Scholarship is currently $390 per year and this enables the supported student to receive:
A place in school for that year - education
A full, new school uniform
Stationery and exercise books
Scholarship Plus is $660 per year. Scholarship Plus provides your child with lunch every day at their school for the additional $270 per year.
Payment can be made as a lump sum or in monthly installments (a single receipt is issued at the end of the financial year).
To find out more read GSP Scholarship information or email Simon at