Evaland Hekima Academy

This wonderful school was started in 2000 by Beatrice Onchiri and Evans Ondieki. They started the school because in that area children had a very long walk to get to school and many stayed home.
"I am a high school teacher by profession, but I saw children living near me who were not getting schooling because it was too far. I wanted to provide access to high quality, affordable education, so I started Evaland Hekima Academy." Evans Ondieki - School Director

Quick facts:
Partner school - Holy Trinity Primary School, ACT
Student number - 430
Scholarship students - 0 (If you would like to provide a scholarship to a student, please click)
Teachers - 20
Boarding - Yes (3 Dormitories)
Projects - Text books, water tanks, beds

Projects needing funds:

  • School textbooks and learning resources

  • Toilets

  • Permanent brick classrooms

Projects completed:


Spring 2020 Autumn 2019 Evaland Hekima Academy profile 2018

Images of Evaland Hekima Academy