Mwamba Mixed Primary School

The school has been partnered in January 2017 with Banksia Road Primary School, NSW. Mwamba started in 2014 with just one student, when the Director Peter Arasa realised that there was inadequate access to school for the children living in the area. Since then it has grown to over 300 students in 2017. 

The school consists of small brick classrooms and has far to few toilets and no water available on campus - see Future Projects

Quick facts:
Partner school - Banksia Road Primary School, NSW
Student number -  approximately 310
Scholarship students - 2 (If you would like to provide a scholarship to a student, please click)
Projects - Toilets, water, library, classroom

Projects needing funds:
Brick classrooms
Projects recently completed:


Spring 2020 Autumn 2019 October 2018 August 2018 May 2018 March 2018 June 2017  March 2017 

Images of Mwamba Mixed Primary School