Savannah was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. Her parents struggle to support Savannah and her brother day-to-day. School fees are unattainable by her parents.

Amelia was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 2. She is in the care of her mother, who is currently unemployed and struggling to find work. Amelia is bright, and her teachers see potential in her.

Abbie was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. Her father is the sole bread winner for the family of 5. He can only find casual work, which is not enough to sustain Abbie and her 2 sisters through school.

Penny was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 2. She and her brother are in the care of their mother. The mother struggles to find work, and is the only breadwinner in the family.