Riamajeshi Bright Start Academy

This school has an amazing founder who actually works full time at a Government school and uses his salary to support his school Riamajeshi Bright Start Academy. The school has a vibrant and happy atmosphere and support from its partner school has enabled clean drinking water to be available on campus for the first time. This is a huge step, especially for the many boarders who previously had to walk approximately 600 m to a stream for water.

Quick facts:
Partner school - Canberra Grammar School, Garran House
Student number - 320
Scholarship students - 5 (If you would like to provide a scholarship to a student, please click)
Projects - beds, water tanks, desks, classrooms

Projects needing funds:
More beds and bedding
A new dormitory for the girls
Desks for students


Spring 2020 Autumn 2019 August 2018 March 2018 October 2017  March 2017  March 2016 

Images of Riamajeshi Bright Start Academy