Yvette was born in 2015 and is in grade 2. Her mother is currently being treated for breast cancer. Yvette’s little sister, who is under a year old, cannot breastfeed due to this. Therefore, family funds are strained between treating the mother, feeding the baby and looking after the family. The father earns what he can as a motorcycle rider.

Allison was born in 2018 and is in playgroup. Her mother gave birth on the street, and sought shelter with a guardian. Since then, her mother left, abandoning Allison and leaving her in the care of a guardian. Her household relies on well-wishers for food and other essentials.

Emma was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. She has 3 sisters, and unfortunately lost her mother by means of suicide. Her father works to earn money for the family, while the children are cared for by their aunt.

Shiloh was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. Her father passed away following a motorcycle accident. Her mother was forced to try to find work in Saudi Arabia to support the family, however sadly died whilst abroad. Shiloh and her two siblings live with their grandfather, who supports the family with a very small income generated from farming.

Sammy was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. She lost her father after a family conflict turned fatal. Following this, her mother was forced to leave the family home to seek shelter in a market center. The mother hustles for money at the market to support Sammy and her two siblings.