Ella was born in 2018 and is in Pre-school class 2. She loves Athletics and reading. Her father was killed in tribal clashes, making her mother the sole bread-winner; working on farms to feed the family. Due to her mother being unwell, and having 2 other siblings, sponsorship would allow Ella to receive an education.

Fiona was born in 2020 and is in playgroup class. She has 2 older siblings and is under the care of her grandmother who is in her 70s. Her parents abandoned their children due to addiction issues. The grandmother is struggling to feed all 3 children and would love one of the children to receive support.

Miriam is two and a half years old and is in daycare. She has 2 older brothers. She likes watching pictures and playing with other children. Unfortunately, Miriam’s parents are sick, and are unable to work to support the family. They frequently struggle to support the family, and at times go without food.

Rebecca was born in 2018 and is in prep 2. She loves playing football. She has 2 siblings who do not attend school due to low family income. The family live in a rented room, and struggle to make ends meet.

Annie was born in 2018 and is in grade 1. She loves athletics and football. She has six siblings who have dropped out of school due to school fees. Her father is unwell, making her mother the sole breadwinner for the family, who recently lost her job at a local coffee factory.

Renita is 7 years old and is in Grade one. She has 3 siblings and lives with her grandmother, after losing her parents and becoming an orphan 5 years ago. Her grandmother has stage 4 cancer. Despite these setbacks, Renita has proven very talented in athletics. A scholarship would afford Renita an education, as well as a chance to showcase and improve her athletic abilities.

Daniella was born in 2016 and is in Grade 2. She lives with her mother and brother. She competes in school competitions and loves storytelling. Her mother washes clothes to earn money for the family. when she is unwell, the family can miss out on food. A Scholarship would give Daniella and her family much needed stability.

Haley is in preschool class and has 6 siblings. Her mother works on people’s farms to try and make ends meet for the family. The family struggles with a number of issues, making food scarcity, school fees and lack of uniforms constant issues. Haley and her whole family would benefit from Haley getting some stability.

Harriet was born in 2018 and is in grade one. She is a clever and hardworking girl, and has two female siblings. The children are total orphans, and were in the care of their grandfather, who recently had a stroke and the children now rely on well-wishers to get by. The girls are vulnerable to exploitation due to their lack of protection and gender. A scholarship would help Harriet secure safety through the school.