Bailey was born in 2006 and is in grade 8. He hails from a single parent family, with 3 siblings. He is a bright student, and a scholarship would assist him in completing his education.

Bruce was born in 2009 and is in grade 8. His family lives in poverty, surviving off one dollar per day. He and his 2 siblings are keen to learn and to change their family’s circumstances.

Danny was born in 2008 and is in grade 8. His parents suffer from alcoholism, making home life for him and his 4 siblings unsafe. He is in the care of a guardian who struggles to find stable income. Danny is the student president and performs above average academically.

Lydia was born in 2019 and is in grade 8. She performs above average academically, and is in the top three of her class. She lives with her mother and 3 siblings, after her father passed away. A scholarship would help Lydia to reach her potential.

Mandy was born in 2009 and is in grade 8. Her mother is unemployed, and cannot find stable work to support her family of 3 girls. The children have not been able to afford an education for the children.

Mollie was born in 2009 and is in grade 8. Her parents find work where they can, the family lives off of less than a dollar a day. She is bright and displays good disciple in her studies. The hope is that Mollie will be able to help support the family through education.