Hilda was born in 2016 (exact date unknown). Her father Julius has become disabled following an incident and can no longer work. Her mother Sophia is unskilled and works as a casual labourer or any other work she can get. This means that the family is very needy and often lacks basic necessities.

Stephen was born on 15 May 2018 and his father Albert has since died. Recently his mother, Jackline, became paralysed in both legs and can no longer walk or work. Tis has devastated the family and they are in urgent need of assistance just to keep food on the table.

Violet was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. She performs very well academically. She lives with her mother, her father has passed away. Her mother does what she can to make ends meet for her and Violet.

Jeremiah was born in 2016, exact date to be confirmed. Both hs mother, Sylvia, and his father, Peter, are deceased leaving Jeremiah as a total orphan. He is cared for by a relative Hellen but their financial situation is precarious.

Sloane is in Grade 4, and is eldest of 4 siblings. She is at joint top of her class, and is an extremely bright child. The family is in the care of their father, after her mothers passing. Feeding the children is a daily struggle. There is a fear of Sloane not being able to continue her education, particularly given her academic record.

Misty was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. She is intelligent, skipping pre-primary class 2 to go straight into grade school. Unfortunately, the mother struggles to find steady work. She gets occasional work at a local construction site to support Misty and her sister. A scholarship would secure Misty’s future education.

Jane was born in 2019 and is in pre-primary 2. She is a bright girl, and lives with her mother and two older siblings. Her father was the sole bread-winner, but after his unexpected passing, the mother has turned to completing menial jobs to make ends meet.

Brooklyn was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. The girl’s mother died of an illness, which mas driven Brooklyn to want to be a doctor/nurse so that she can treat and/or care for the sick. She lives with her father and two siblings. The father tries to make ends meet.