Boris was born in 2016 abd us in Grade 1. His father died a long time ago due to disease, and he lost his mother after a violent assult, leaving Boris and his 2 twin brothers orphans. A neighbour has taken in the children to care for them. Despite the children’s reliance on well-wishers and struggle to find food, Boris exceeds expectations academically. A sponsorship would assist Boris to excel at school.

Emily was born in 2020 and is in Playgroup. She has two siblings and is in the care of her father, after losing their mother some years ago. The family struggles due to the father being unwell and unable to find steady work, however Emily often presents to school bright, happy and eager to learn. The whole family would benefit from support.

Jenny was born in 2017 and is in Grade 1. The family fell victim to post-election violence where all their belongings were destroyed, and parents sustained injuries requiring ongoing medical assistance.

Vonnie was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 1. She lives with her Mother and two siblings, following the death of their father. Due to their mother being unwell, the family are reliant on well-wishers to get by.