Steven was born in 2016 and is in grade 1. Steven and his sister are cared for by their grandmother, who tried to make money working off of her farm. The parents abandoned Steven and his sister after getting in trouble with the law and fleeing. A scholarship would give Steven and the family security in receiving support and an education.

Shelley was born in 2018 and is in pre-primary 2. She has 2 siblings, and is in the care of her grandmother, who tries to make ends meet from a tiny piece of land near their property. Her father struggles with a mental health disorder, and although he is medicated, he is unable to work. Their mother abandoned the family, and they have been unable to find her for 2 years. The stability of a scholarship for Shelley would assist the entire family.

Jeremy was born in 2019 and is in pre-primary 1. He is under the care of his aging grandfather, who struggles to earn money working the land near their property, following a road accident a number of years ago. His mother abandoned Jeremy due to family conflict. A scholarship would help meet Jeremy’s basic needs.

Isaac was born in 2014 and is in grade 3. Isaac’s parents died in a road accident, therefore he is in the care of his grandfather, who works off his land to feed Isaac and his sister.

Ruby was born in 2016 and is in Grade 1. She has two siblings, and her mother works part time to support her children despite physical limitations due to HIV. Since that untimely death of their father, the family lives hand-to-mouth.