St Thomas Academy

The school joined the GSP family in 2015 and its humble resources are amply compensated for by the passion of the teachers. Several classrooms were washed away in heavy rains, but fortunately emergency repairs enabled the school to remain open and operational. The needs here are many and the school community are strong supporters of their children getting an education

Quick facts:
Partner school - Penrith High School, NSW
Student number -  178
Scholarship students - 3 (If you would like to provide a scholarship to a student, please click)
Projects - emergency repairs to classrooms, brick classrooms, toilets, water tank, desks, books and educational resources

Projects needing funds:
Water tanks
Text books


Spring 2020 Autumn 2019 September 2018 October 2017  March 2017  October 2016  August 2016  March 2016  

Images of St Thomas Academy