Tabaka Academy
This school was founded by a man previously senior in Government bureaucracy, who on retirement had a heart for the children in his home area and started a school. The school is well established and is effectively run with many excellent initiatives such as crop production and fish farming to support the boarder's food supply. The founding family is all involved and have created a centre of educational excellence.
Quick facts:
Partner school - Waiting for a partner school
Student number - 465
Scholarship students - 1 (If you would like to provide a scholarship to a student, please click)
Projects - toilets, water tanks, classrooms, verandahs, books, stationery, sports equipment, generator, water pump, borehole, ELC classroom and resources
Projects needing funds:
Spring 2020 Autumn 2019 August 2018 March 2018 September 2017 March 2017 November 2016 March 2016
Images of Tabaka Academy