Pad Heaven's excellent booklet
The young women learnt all about their ‘path to womanhood’ with the excellent educational material developed by Florence, and they each received a copy for themselves

The joy of learning
The young women eagerly learnt about the reusable sanitary pads and how to use them. This was a subject they had never spoken about before at school or with their family

An educational booklet each
For many this was the first book of their own and that itself was exciting. The topic too discussed openly for the first time in their lives and for many this was reassuring and a relief

School mentors
Mary pictured here is a natural mentor and mother/grandmother figure for the girls. Her obvious passion for the subject and compassion for the young women is wonderful to witness

Reference books also available
More in-depth reference books are available (as well as the personal booklets) for those wanting to learn more. This reference written in Kiswahili means deeper understanding for the girls

Learning is fun
The young women laughed as they experimented with the pads and came to realise what a difference these make to their lives.