FACES - launch

Following the successful Florey Family Literacy trial in 2016 we have now launched FACES:

Families in ACT building Communities through Education and Support.

Based on FFL this program is designed to help new Australian families, particularly with refugee back grounds, to integrate into school life and the community.

We have found that many former refugees families are experiencing difficulties engaging with the school community.  These difficulties relate to a lack of understanding of and integration into, the school community and the educational challenges facing the children and parents, because of their own lack of formal education and the violence and upheaval they have endured in refugee camps.

FACES supports a Parent Buddy system, mentoring of students and an experiential showcase of conditions and way of life in a refugee camp. FACES engages both the new Australian families and existing school families and provides for a greater understanding from both sides. 

Dr Jann Carroll provides literacy mentor training to senior school mentors

Dr Jann Carroll provides literacy mentor training to senior school mentors

The Parent Buddy program was launched with a cultural awareness session for the Australian Buddies and then a shared meal with all families.

Everyone enjoyed the food and the beautiful evening

Everyone enjoyed the food and the beautiful evening


Global School Partners would like to acknowledge and thank Capital Chemist for their generous support of the FACES program.

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